Located over the South door in the vestibule, the mosaic dates to the 10th century. The mosaic is thought to have been made to celebrate the withdrawal of the Russians from Constantinople in 971 or defeat of Bulgars by Basil in 1018.
Revealed by Fossatis just to be plastered later, this mosaic panel was unveiled again by the Byzantine Institute.
In the mosaic, we see Justinian, Christ, Mary and Constantine. Sitting on a cushion, Mary the Virgin is holding Child Christ in her lap and a handkerchief in one hand. She is dressed in a maphorion with a hood. Theotokos is the title of Mary, the mother of Christ. Because of the infant Christ we see here, she is given that title in the mosaic. There are ‘’The Mother of God’’ monograms around them. The Child Christ is making benediction with the emphasis of a bigger hand than the other. He has a cruciform nimbus.
In the mosaic, Justinian is giving a model of Hagia Sophia while Constantine is presenting the city of Constantinople to Mary and Christ. Both of the Emperors are dressed alike. They have gold embellished crowns with pearls and emeralds, wear golden imperial clothes and golden leather shoes. Justinian looks older than Constantine with his wrinkles on the face. His inscription reads: ‘’Justinian, Emperor of Illustrious Memory’’.
Constantine has an emotional face and he is younger then Justinian. The inscription around him says: ‘’Constantine, the great Emperor amongst the saints’’.
Holly Mother Virgin Mary said ; All the churches were build on her own will that will last forever in her kingdoms of the worlds.
Who ever will transgress Virgin Mary Divine will shall parish from Her Kingdom and be curse forever. The conversion Of Her Divine place will bring upon the occupants pestilence of the soul with no place in the Kingdom of GOD and the Sun CHRISTOS.
We had visited the Holly Place of our Divine Mother during our political refugee in beloved Istanbul. The Grandeur of the Holly Place has no equivalent in the whole world therefore is called Hagias Sophia. It was a church and will be a church of our Divine Mother Virgin Mary.
It is Her will and the will must be respected. It is a Divine will in which leaders must obey to the Law of Creation.
She is the Mother of Christ.
Anne Furnaris