Byzantine Treasures

Paten with the Communion of the Apostles  Early Byzantine.png
Paten with the Communion of the Apostles, Period: Early Byzantine (565-578 A.D.) Materials: silve...
Bust of Emperor Arcadius.JPG
Bust of Emperor Arcadius, Period: Early Byzantine circa: late 4th. century. Made in/Findspot: Con...
The Descent into Limbo.JPG
The J. Paul Getty Museum
The Descent into Limbo, Period: Late Byzantine, circa: 13th century. Dimensions: Leaf: 20.6 × 14....
Mosaic Panel.JPG
Mosaic Panel. Period: Early Byzantine;  circa: Late 6th – early 7th century. Findspot: Ista...
Gospels of Luke and John (Dumbarton Oaks MS 4)  Middle Byzantine.png
Gospels of Luke and John, Period:Middle Byzantine, circa: Late 12th-early 13th century A.D.  The ...
Tapestry fragment Egyptian (Coptic).jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Tapestry fragment Egyptian (Coptic), Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 5th-6th century A.D. Materia...
Pair of Earrings with Pearls, Emeralds, and Sapphires.png
Pair of Earrings. Materials: Pearls, Emeralds, Sapphires, Gold and Gems. Period: Early Byzantine,...
Icon Christ Pantocrator with Donators.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Christ Pantocrator with Donators, Period: Late Byzantine, circa: Circa 1363. Technique: tempera o...
gold necklace.jpg
Three sections of a Gold necklace. Materials: sapphires, emeralds, cornelians and pearls. Period:...
Harness Ornaments-Late Roman (1).jpg
Harness Ornaments. Period: Late Roman; circa: 200–400. Geography: Made in Thrace (possibly). The ...
Constantine IV coins.jpg
Coins; Ruler: Constantine IV; Period: Early Byzantine Period; circa: 654-685; Minted in: Sicily, ...
Leaf of the Consular Diptych of Areobindus-1.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Leaf of the Consular Diptych of Areobindus, Period: Early Byzantine, Date: 506, School: Constanti...
Octagonal Marriage Ring with Holy Site Scenes (2).png
Octagonal Marriage Ring with Holy Site Scenes, Period: Early Byzantine, circa:  7th Century. Mate...
Spherical small container (pyxis) with representations of Christ, Virgin and two archangels-3.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Spherical Small Container (pyxis) with Representations of Christ, Virgin and two Archangels. Peri...
Molivdovul. Manuel I Comnenus.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Molivdovul. Manuel I Comnenus, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1143-1180. Material: lead. The co...
bird figurine early byzantine.jpg
Bird Figure, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6thC-7thC; Made in: Egypt. Dimensions: Height: 2.6 i...
Icon of Depicting Virgin Mary Thornousa.jpg
Icon of Depicting Virgin Mary Thornousa, which was probably part of a wider composition depicting...
Necklace with Pendant of Aphrodite Anadyomene.png
Necklace with Pendant of Aphrodite Anadyomene, Period: Early Byzantine, circa early 7th Century. ...
Gold coin. Tiberius III.jpg
Gold coin. Ruler: Tiberius III, Byzantine Emperor; Period: Middle Byzantine; circa: 705-711; Mint...
Earring with Emerald and Sapphire.png
Earring with Emerald and Sapphire,  Period: Early Byzantine circa: early 5th century. Size: 6.5 (...
Showing 1 - 20 of 321 results