Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Enkolpion Reliquary Cross with Crucifixion and the Virgin, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa 10th t...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Antioch Chalice, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 500–550, Made in Antioch or Kaper Koraon, Ma...
British Museum
Silver spoon, Period: Early Byzantine; 650 (circa). Found: Acheripoetos Monastery, monastery (ne...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver Bucket, Period: Early Byzantine circa: 600s. Made in Tirana, Modern Albania. (Found in Vra...
Staatliche Münzsammlung
+49 - (0) 89 - 22 72 21+49 - (0) 89 - 22 72 21
Medal of Emperor Constantine The Great, Period: Early Byzantine circa: 4th century, Materials: si...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Cross of Romanos II and Basil II, Period: Middle Byzantine, Date: 960-963. Materials: silver and ...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Attarouthi Treasure, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 500-650s. Made in Attarouthi, Syria. Mat...
British Museum
Bowl; circular medallion with half-figure of a nimbed saint, St Sergios. Period: Early Byzantine;...
British Museum
Loop earring; Materials: silver; Period: Middle Byzantine: 10thc-11thc. Length: 51 millimetres We...
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Plate with a Tigress Attacking an Ibex, Eastern Mediterranean, Material: Silver. Period: Early By...
British Museum
Pair of earrings, Period: Middle Byzantine (10thC-11thC). Material: silver. Diameter: 3.4 centime...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Plate with the Arming of David, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 629–630, Material: Silver, Made i...
Cleveland Museum of Art
Benediction Cross, Period: Late Byzantine, circa: 1200s-1400s. Materials: black schist, gold, sil...
Cleveland Museum of Art
Pendant Icon with the Virgin “Dexiokratousa” and Frame with Winged Bull of Saint Luke...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Plate with Cross and Greek Inscription ‘Hope of God’, Period: Early Byzantine, 7th ce...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Book Cover with a Cross Flanked by Cypress Trees, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: Mid 6th Century...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Processional Cross, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1000–1050, Materials: Silver, silver-gilt. O...
The Benaki Museum
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Pectoral cross with busts of Jesus Christ and saints, silver-gilt. On the reverse, the engraved i...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Chalice, Period: Early Byzantine, ca. 527 – 565 A.D. Materials: silver and niello. The mus...
Cleveland Art Museum of Art
Enkolpion with the Crucifixion (front) and Saints Theodore and George (back), silver gilt and clo...