Precious Stones

Enkolpion with Enthroned Virgin, Nativity, Adoration and Baptism.png
Enkolpion with Enthroned Virgin, Nativity, Adoration and Baptism, Period: Early Byzantine, circa:...
Reliquary Cross; Cloisonné Enamel and Gold, Middle Byzantine-2.jpg
Reliquary Cross; Materials: Cloisonné Enamel and Gold, Period: Middle Byzantine (10thc.) Made in:...
Chain with Pendant Cross.png
Chain with Pendant Cross, Materials: gold, glass, pearl, garnet, and sapphire. Period: Early Byza...
Circular Pendant with Double Solidus of Constantine I.png
Circular Pendant with Double Solidus of Constantine I, Period:  Early Byzantine, Materials: gold....
Cross Byzantium, Constantinople, 6th century.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Cross, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6th c. Made in: Constantinople. Material: gold. Dimensions...
Gold Finger Ring; Early Byzantine.jpg
Gold Finger Ring; Early Byzantine. (6thc-7thc) Slender hoop and applied oval bezel engraved with ...
Octagonal Marriage Ring with Holy Site Scenes (2).png
Octagonal Marriage Ring with Holy Site Scenes, Period: Early Byzantine, circa:  7th Century. Mate...
Gold Earring; Square.jpg
Gold Earring; Square; on one face a cheque of triangular groups of pellets, above an animal’...
Crescent-Shaped Pendant (2).jpg
The Cleveland Art Museum
Crescent-Shaped Pendant, Period: Middle Byzantine; circa: 11th century. Materials: gold filigree ...
Intaglio; Late Byzantine.jpg
Octagonal intaglio, Period: Late Byzantine; circa: 14thc. Made in: Constantinople. Dimensions: He...
Reliquary Cross with the Crucifixion.png
Reliquary Cross with the Crucifixion, Period: Late Byzantine, circa: Late 12th-early 13th century...
Pearl, Tourmaline, Glass, Coral and Bronze Beads.JPG
Quantity of pearl, tourmaline, glass, coral and bronze beads, once attached no doubt to cloth. Pe...
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Bracelet, Period: Late Roman circa: 379 – 395 A.D. Medium: Gold. Dimensions: 1.4 × 6.3 cm (...
Pendant with Portrait Intaglio (2).jpg
Pendant with Portrait Intaglio, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 500s. Materials: Garnet with gold...
Bracelet with Jewelled Clasp.png
Bracelet with Jewelled Clasp, Period: Early Byzantine, Date: -circa-Second half 4th Century (poss...
6 (1).jpg
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
Enkolpion with Enthroned Virgin, Nativity, Adoration; and Baptism. Period: Early Byzantine Last q...
Oval Pendant, Early Byzantine.jpg
Gold Oval Pendant; embossed with a figure of the Virgin  standing in the attitude of an orans wit...
Personal Ornament; Early Byzantine.jpg
Personal Ornament; Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 6thc.-7thc. Material: Gold. Length: 8 millimet...
Signet Ring of John, Imperial Spatharios-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Signet Ring of John, Imperial Spatharios, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 10th century, Material...
Gold Signet-Ring, Late Roman.jpg
Gold Signet-Ring,  plain hoop and applied oval bezel depicts bust of Christ(?).  Period: Late Rom...
Showing 1 - 20 of 113 results