Early Byzantine

weight; Early Byzantine; 6thC-7thC.jpg
Copper Alloy Weight, Period: Early Byzantine, 6thc-7thc, discoidal with double-grooved convex pro...
Plate with the Arming of David.jpg
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Plate with the Arming of David, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 629–630, Material: Silver, Made i...
Griffin's Head Lamp.png
Griffin’s Head Lamp, Period: Early Byzantine, circa 4th-5th century. Purchased from George ...
Plate with a tigress attacking an ibex-1.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Plate with a Tigress Attacking an Ibex, Eastern Mediterranean, Material: Silver. Period: Early By...
Leaf of the Consular Diptych of Areobindus-1.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Leaf of the Consular Diptych of Areobindus, Period: Early Byzantine, Date: 506, School: Constanti...
Bracelet with Panthers - Byzantine (2).png
Bracelet with Panthers, Period:  Early Byzantine, Found in Hadra near Alexandria (Egypt). Materia...
Pair of Earrings with Pearls, Sapphires, and Gold Globules.png
Pair of Earrings. Materials: Pearls, Sapphires, Gold, Gems and Gold Globules. Period: Early Byzan...
6 (1).jpg
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
Enkolpion with Enthroned Virgin, Nativity, Adoration; and Baptism. Period: Early Byzantine Last q...
Gold Earring Istanbul.JPG
Gold Earrings, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6th century A.D. Made in: Constantinople, Material...
Pendant Cross with Birds and Zoe-Phos.png
Pendant Cross with Birds and Zoe-Phos, Period:  Early Byzantine, circa Late 6th Century. Material...
Earrings with inlaid cross-shaped pendants.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Earrings with Inlaid Cross-Shaped Pendants, Period: Early Byzantine Period, circa: 7th century A....
Necklace; Cross pendant; Early Byzantine.jpg
Necklace; Cross pendant; Period: Early Byzantine; 5thc.-6thc.; Materials: glass, amber, amethyst ...
Solidus of Constans II-1.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Solidus of Constans II, Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 661–663. Minted in: Constantinople, Mater...
Tremissis of Emperor Maurice Tiberius-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
 Tremissis of Emperor Maurice Tiberius, Period: ca. 582–602, Early Byzantine, Material: Gold. On ...
Tapestry fragment Egyptian (Coptic).jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Tapestry fragment Egyptian (Coptic), Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 5th-6th century A.D. Materia...
earring byzantine.jpg
Earring; Period: Early Byzantine. circa: 5thC-7thC. Length: 27 millimetres. Materials: gold. Brit...
Oval Pendant, Early Byzantine.jpg
Gold Oval Pendant; embossed with a figure of the Virgin  standing in the attitude of an orans wit...
Gold Finger Ring; Early Byzantine.jpg
Gold Finger Ring; Early Byzantine. Period: 7thC – Early Byzantine. Excavated/Findspot: Smyr...
Lion Statue from the Monumental Gate of Bucaleon Palace (2).JPG
Lion Statue from the monumental gate of Bucaleon Palace. Period: Early Byzantine, Findspot: Catla...
Sapphire and Tourmaline Ring Gems.JPG
Sapphire and Tourmaline Ring Gems; Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6-7th century. Findspot/Locati...
Showing 21 - 40 of 163 results