
Circular mosaic.jpg
Circular mosaic. Personification of the city of Halicarnassus. Period: Late Roman; circa: 4th c.;...
Fragment of a Floor Mosaic with a Personification of Ktisis.jpg
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fragment of a Floor Mosaic with a Personification of Ktisis, Period: Early Byzantine circa: 500–5...
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Mosaic Pavement; Period: Late Roman; circa: 4th c.; Excavated/Place: Halicarnassus, Modern Turkey...
Stone mosaic, Late Roman.jpg
Roman Mosaic, Period: Late Roman; circa: 4th c.; Excavated/Place: Caria, Bodrum, Hadji CaptanR...
Fragment of a Floor Mosaic.jpg
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Fragment of a Floor Mosaic- Adam and Eve, Period: late 400s-early 500s, Early Byzantium, Northern...
Mosaic of Venus and Tritons-1.jpg
Mosaic of Venus and Tritons, Period: Late Roman; circa: 4th c.; Materials: stone. Dimensions: Hei...
Two peacocks mosaic.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mosaic, Two Peacocks Perch on a Fountain, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: A.D. 450–462. The MFA i...
Roman mosaic panel of Eros.png
4th century Roman mosaic panel of Eros, a circus chariot rider of the Red Fraction. From Tunisia....
Mosaic Panel.JPG
Mosaic Panel. Period: Early Byzantine;  circa: Late 6th – early 7th century. Findspot: Ista...
Voronet Monastery, Bukovina, Romania.jpg
5.00 (1 review)
Siege of Constantinople in 1453 (fresco), Romanian School, (16th century) – Church of St Ge...
mosaic pavement.jpg
Mosaic Pavement; Period: Late Roman; circa: 4th c.; Excavated/Place: Halicarnassus, Modern Turkey...
Showing 11 results