Byzantine Treasures

mosaic pavement-2.jpg
Mosaic Pavement; Period: Late Roman; circa: 4th c.; Excavated/Place: Halicarnassus, Modern Turkey...
Benediction Cross, Period: Late Byzantine, circa: 1200s-1400s. Materials: black schist, gold, sil...
Icon with the Koimesis (2).jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Icon with the Koimesis, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: late 900s. Made in probably Constantinop...
Gold Signet-Ring, Late Roman.jpg
Gold Signet-Ring,  plain hoop and applied oval bezel depicts bust of Christ(?).  Period: Late Rom...
Saint Luke.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Saint Luke, Byzantine Manuscript, cutting from a Greek Bible. Period: Late Byzantine circa: 1200–...
Gold Bracelet.jpg
Gold Bracelet, Period: Early Byzantine 600 (circa). Found: Syria (?). Width: 69.5 millimetres Hei...
Fragment of a Tunic.jpg
The Cleveland Art Museum
Fragment of a Tunic, Period: Middle Byzantine circa: first half of 7th century, Made in: Egypt. M...
Dish of Brown, Middle Byzantine.jpg
Dish of brown, fine-grained clay covered with a white slip. Period: Middle Byzantine; circa: Late...
Solidus of Constantine I (306–337).png
Solidus of Constantine I (306–337), Material: Gold.  The museum is open to the public Tuesday thr...
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Bracelet, Period: Late Roman circa: 379 – 395 A.D. Medium: Gold. Dimensions: 1.4 × 6.3 cm (...
Horse and Lion Hanging  Early Byzantine.png
Horse and Lion Hanging, Period: Early Byzantine, 6th century A.D. Materials: wool and linen. The ...
Textile Fragment.jpg
Textile Fragment, Materials: silk and cotton. Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 8thc-9thc. Rectang...
Almond-Shaped Pendant.png
Almond-Shaped Pendant, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 400-600. Materials: gold, lapis lazuli, ga...
gold necklace byzantium.jpg
Gold necklace with sapphires, amethysts, emeralds and pearls. Period: Early Byzantine. Place/Find...
St John the Baptist.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Icon, St John the Baptist. Period: Late Byzantine; circa: Early 14th century. Place: Byzantium, A...
Icon Frame.png
Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: Mid-11th century. Size: 22 x 20 (8.7 x 7.9). Materia...
Pendant Icon.png
Pendant Icon with the Virgin “Dexiokratousa” and Frame with Winged Bull of Saint Luke...
cross byzantium.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cross, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1100, Made in Constantinople, Materials: Cloisonne enamel...
Gold Signet Ring, Late Byzantine.jpg
Gold Signet Ring, Period: Late Byzantine circa: 14thc.  Made in: Constantinople. Diameter: 28 mil...
weight; Early Byzantine; 6thC-7thC.jpg
Copper Alloy Weight, Period: Early Byzantine, 6thc-7thc, discoidal with double-grooved convex pro...
Showing 1 - 20 of 321 results