British Museum
Lamp, Made in: Luxor, Egypt. Period: Early Byzantine circa: 6th-7th century. Subjects: Cross, bir...
Istanbul Archaeological Museum
Sarcophagus Fragment of Emperor Constantine the Great (?) Materials: Porphyry Period: Early Byzan...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Seal, Theodore Kastamonites, Sebastos. The two Saints Theodore standing with their hands upraise...
British Museum
Hanging lamp; Period: Early Byzantine; (5thC-6thC). Found: Tell el-Yahudiya (Africa,Egypt,Lower E...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Four Icons from a Pair of Doors (Panels), possibly part of a Polyptych: John the Theologian and P...
Istanbul Archaeological Museum
Pendant depicting the scene “Triumphal Entry” . Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 5-6th...
The State Hermitage Museum
Icon of St George, Period: Late Byzantine, circa: 13th century. Material: soapstone. Dimensions: ...
British Museum
Gold coin. Ruler: Nicephorus I, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 802-811. Minted in: Italy (south...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint John the Evangelist from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 110...
British Museum
Censer; Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 6thc.-7thc.; Found: Syria. Materials: copper alloy. Dimen...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Roundel with Emperor John II Comnenus. Period: Byzantine, ca. 1110 – 1118. Material: marble...
The State Hermitage Museum
Central Part of Triptych: Christ Pantocrator. Period: Late Byzantine; circa: Second half of 13th ...
British Museum
Cameo; red glass; quadrangular; Period: 13thC, Late Byzantine. Figure of St John the Baptist in r...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Enkolpion with Enthroned Virgin, Nativity, Adoration and Baptism, Period: Early Byzantine, circa:...
British Museum
Loop earring; Materials: silver; Period: Middle Byzantine: 10thc-11thc. Length: 51 millimetres We...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Chalice, Period: Early Byzantine, ca. 527 – 565 A.D. Materials: silver and niello. The mus...
British Museum
Gold Earring; Period: Early Byzantine (6thc-7thc), one of a pair crescent-shaped loop. Found: Lam...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint Luke from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: ca. 1100, Made in ...
British Museum
Gold Finger Ring, Period: Early Byzantine (6 th. c.) flat hoop cut into eight alternating circula...
British Museum
Gold coin; Ruler: Manuel I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor; circa: 1143-1180; Minted in: Constantinop...