Byzantine Treasures

Gold coin. Tiberius III.jpg
Gold coin. Ruler: Tiberius III, Byzantine Emperor; Period: Middle Byzantine; circa: 705-711; Mint...
Gold Earring; Cyprus, Early Byzantine.jpg
Gold Earring; Period: Early Byzantine (6thc-7thc), one of a pair crescent-shaped loop. Found: Lam...
Loop earring; Middle Byzantine.jpg
Loop earring; Materials: silver; Period: Middle Byzantine: 10thc-11thc. Length: 51 millimetres We...
Medallion with Saint John the Baptist from an Icon Frame-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint John the Baptist from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1100, ...
Gold coin, Michael II the Amorian.jpg
Gold coin, Ruler: Michael II the Amorian, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 820-829, Minted in: It...
Openwork Lamp with Openwork Inscription.png
Openwork Lamp with Openwork Inscription, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa Mid. 6th Century A.D. Th...
Gold coin of Manuel I Comnenus-2.jpg
Gold coin; Ruler: Manuel I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor; circa: 1143-1180; Minted in: Constantinop...
Terracotta figure of a boy with a cock.jpg
Terracotta figure of a boy with a cock, Period: Hellenistic, 1th c. BC. (circa) Material: Terraco...
Panel; ivory; the Raising of Lazarus.jpg
The Raising of Lazarus, Panel; ivory; Christ with cruciferous nimbus relocate to right with hand ...
Octagonal Marriage Ring with Holy Site Scenes (2).png
Octagonal Marriage Ring with Holy Site Scenes, Period: Early Byzantine, circa:  7th Century. Mate...
Pectoral Cross_image.jpg
The Cleveland Art Museum
Pectoral Cross. Period: Middle Byzantine; circa: 900s. Made in: Constantinople. Materials: gold, ...
Pendant Cross with Birds and Zoe-Phos.png
Pendant Cross with Birds and Zoe-Phos, Period:  Early Byzantine, circa Late 6th Century. Material...
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Bracelet, Period: Late Roman circa: about 379 – 395 A.D., Materials: Gold, emeralds, sapphi...
Gold Signet-Ring, Late Roman.jpg
Gold Signet-Ring,  plain hoop and applied oval bezel depicts bust of Christ(?).  Period: Late Rom...
Page from an Armenian Manuscript of the Romance of Alexander.png
Page from an Armenian Manuscript of the Romance of Alexander. Period: Post-Byzantine,  1525 A.D. ...
Medallion with Saint George from an Icon Frame-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint George from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1100, Made in Co...
Cleveland Art Museum of Art
Enkolpion with the Crucifixion (front) and Saints Theodore and George (back), silver gilt and clo...
Saint Mark-1.JPG
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Saint Mark. Period: Late Byzantine circa: late 13th century. Place: Constantinople (Place created...
earring byzantine.jpg
Earring; Period: Early Byzantine. circa: 5thC-7thC. Length: 27 millimetres. Materials: gold. Brit...
St John the Baptist.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Icon, St John the Baptist. Period: Late Byzantine; circa: Early 14th century. Place: Byzantium, A...
Showing 1 - 20 of 321 results