Byzantine Treasures

Head of a Female Saint.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Head of a Female Saint, Fresco transferred to panel, Period: Late Byzantine circa: 12th-14th cent...
Plate with a tigress attacking an ibex-1.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Plate with a Tigress Attacking an Ibex, Eastern Mediterranean, Material: Silver. Period: Early By...
Gold Earring, Middle Byzantine-.jpg
Earring, Period: Middle Byzantine circa: 11thc. Height: 1 inches. Material: gold. British Museum ...
Solidus of Constantius II (333–361).png
Solidus of Constantius II (333–361). Material: Gold. The museum is open to the public Tuesday thr...
Copper Alloy Weight, Early Byzantine.jpg
Copper alloy weight, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 4thC-5thC. Quare with convex profile & c...
Electrum Coin-1.jpg
Electrum Greek Coin. Period: 6th c. B.C. circa: 521BC-478BC; Minted in: Phocaea (Asia, Modern Tur...
Signet Ring of John, Imperial Spatharios-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Signet Ring of John, Imperial Spatharios, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 10th century, Material...
Icon with the Koimesis (2).jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Icon with the Koimesis, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: late 900s. Made in probably Constantinop...
The Byzantine Emperor Welcoming Roussillon and Martel.JPG
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Illuminated Manuscript: The Byzantine Emperor Welcoming Roussillon and Martel. Period: Post Byzan...
Icon of Depicting Virgin Mary Thornousa.jpg
Icon of Depicting Virgin Mary Thornousa, which was probably part of a wider composition depicting...
Gold Cross Pendant-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Gold Cross Pendant, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 500–700s. Material: Gold. Dimensions:  3 9/16...
Gold Finger Ring; Early Byzantine.jpg
Gold Finger Ring; Early Byzantine. Period: 7thC – Early Byzantine. Excavated/Findspot: Smyr...
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Silver Chalice, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6th century A.D. Dimensions: Height (max.): 18 cm...
Chalice  Early Byzantine.png
Chalice, Period: Early Byzantine,  ca. 527 – 565 A.D. Materials: silver and niello. The mus...
Tapestry fragment Egyptian (Coptic).jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Tapestry fragment Egyptian (Coptic), Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 5th-6th century A.D. Materia...
ivory panel byzantium.jpg
Ivory Panel, carved with standing figures, Christ with the Virgin Mary and St John, below a pierc...
Silver Bucket.jpg
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver Bucket, Period: Early Byzantine circa: 600s. Made in Tirana, Modern Albania. (Found in Vra...
The Descent into Limbo.JPG
The J. Paul Getty Museum
The Descent into Limbo, Period: Late Byzantine, circa: 13th century. Dimensions: Leaf: 20.6 × 14....
Gold Coin, Maurice Tiberius.jpg
Gold Coin, Ruler: Maurice Tiberius; Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 582-602; Minted in: Ravenna. ...
Saint John the Evangelist Dictating-1.JPG
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Saint John the Evangelist Dictating, Manuscript, Period: Late Byzantine; circa: 1200 to 1225. Pla...
Showing 1 - 20 of 321 results