Byzantine Treasures

Busts of Two Emperors.png
Busts of Two Emperors, Period: Roman, Circa: Late 3rd-early 4th century, Material: Chalcedony on ...
Coin of Alexander the Great.jpg
Silver coin of Alexander the Great; Greek; Date: 323BC-280BC; Kingdom of Macedonia, Minted in: An...
Sapphire and Tourmaline Ring Gems.JPG
Sapphire and Tourmaline Ring Gems; Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6-7th century. Findspot/Locati...
Icon Christ Pantocrator with Donators.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Christ Pantocrator with Donators, Period: Late Byzantine, circa: Circa 1363. Technique: tempera o...
Fragmentary Bracelet with Medallion of Emperor in a Chariot,.png
Fragmentary Bracelet with Medallion of Emperor in a Chariot, Period: Early Byzantine, 6th century...
Glass Cameo, Late Byzantine.jpg
Glass Cameo, Period: Late Byzantine; circa: 13th century A.D. Brick-red, opaque; on the front, th...
Bronze Hanging Lamp.jpg
Hanging lamp; Period: Early Byzantine; (5thC-6thC). Found: Tell el-Yahudiya (Africa,Egypt,Lower E...
Medal of Emperor Constantine The Great.jpeg
Medal of Emperor Constantine The Great, Period: Early Byzantine circa: 4th century, Materials: si...
Paten with Cross and Inscription.png
Paten with Christogram and Repousse Border, Period: Early Byzantine, circa Mid 6th Century. Mater...
Censer; Early Byzantine-2.jpg
Censer; Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 6thc.-7thc.; Found: Syria. Materials: copper alloy. Dimen...
Chain with Pendant Cross.png
Chain with Pendant Cross, Materials: gold, glass, pearl, garnet, and sapphire. Period: Early Byza...
Relief icon, Middle Byzantine.jpg
Relief icon; rectangular bronze plaque cast in low relief with full-length Hodegetria flanked by ...
byzantine seal John Tarchaneiotes.jpg
Seal, John Tarchaneiotes, Period: Late Byzantine, 13 th. century. (second half).  St. John the Ba...
Solidus of Constantinus III -1.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Solidus of Constantinus III, Mint: Constantinople, Period: A.D. 641–668, Early Byzantine. Materia...
Pectoral Cross_image.jpg
The Cleveland Art Museum
Pectoral Cross. Period: Middle Byzantine; circa: 900s. Made in: Constantinople. Materials: gold, ...
Constantine Xeros, sebastos (twelfth century, second half).jpg
Constantine Xeros, Sebastos. Period: Late Byzantine, 12th.c. second half. Translation: May you, a...
Silver Bucket.jpg
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver Bucket, Period: Early Byzantine circa: 600s. Made in Tirana, Modern Albania. (Found in Vra...
Tapestry panel Head of a man.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Tapestry panel: Head of a man. Coptic, Egypt. Period: Early Byzantine circa: 4th-5th century A.D....
Fragment of a Curtain (1).jpg
The Cleveland Art Museum
Fragment of a Curtain, Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 5th century. Made in: Egypt, Materials: ta...
Necklace with Pearls, Sapphires, and Plasma.png
Necklace. Materials: Pearls, Sapphires, Gold, Gems and Plasma. Period: Early Byzantine, circa: ea...
Showing 1 - 20 of 321 results