Byzantine Treasures

Rooster Lamp.png
Rooster Lamp, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 5th-6th century. Purchased from Fouad Alouf (dealer...
Processional Cross.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Processional Cross, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1000–1050, Materials: Silver, silver-gilt. O...
Gold Goblet with Personifications of Cyprus, Rome, Constantinople, and Alexandria-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Gold Goblet with Personifications of Cyprus, Rome, Constantinople, and Alexandria, Period: Middle...
6 (1).jpg
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
Enkolpion with Enthroned Virgin, Nativity, Adoration; and Baptism. Period: Early Byzantine Last q...
Bowl with Hunting Scene  Early Byzantine.png
Bowl with Hunting Scene, Period: Early Byzantine, 5th Century A.D. Material: silver. The museum i...
Icon of Depicting Virgin Mary Thornousa.jpg
Icon of Depicting Virgin Mary Thornousa, which was probably part of a wider composition depicting...
Bronze Lamp, Early Byzantine.jpg
Lamp, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6th-7th c. Materials: Bronze. Found: Edfu, great church (Up...
Opening of Gospel of Matthew  Byzantine.png
Opening of Gospel of Matthew. Period: Middle Byzantine. 1063 A.D. The museum is open to the publi...
Fragmentary Bracelet with Medallion of Emperor in a Chariot,.png
Fragmentary Bracelet with Medallion of Emperor in a Chariot, Period: Early Byzantine, 6th century...
Altar Cloth or Podea-1.jpg
The Metropolitan Museum of Art 
Altar Cloth or Podea. Period: Late Byzantine, circa: late 14th century. Made in: probably Greece ...
Gold Coin, Maurice Tiberius.jpg
Gold Coin, Ruler: Maurice Tiberius; Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 582-602; Minted in: Ravenna. ...
Gold Solidus of Valentinian I (364–75).jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Gold Solidus of Valentinian I (364–75), Made in Nicomedia (Modern Izmit, Turkey), Material: Gold....
Pair of Loop Earrings; Gold.jpg
Pair of Loop Earrings; Materials: Gold. Period: Early Byzantine. 6thC-7thC. Subjects: Cross, Peac...
Coin, Eagle above Dolphin..jpg
Silver Coin, Period: 4 th century B.C. 330BC (circa); Museum Description: “Silver coin.(obv...
Earring with Openwork (1).jpg
The Cleveland Art Museum
Earring with Openwork, Period: Middle Byzantine circa: 7th-9th Century. Materials: gold with a ro...
Spoon; Early Byzantine.jpg
Silver spoon, Period: Early Byzantine; 650 (circa).  Found: Acheripoetos Monastery, monastery (ne...
icon with St Nicholas.jpg
Small  icon of St Nicholas. Period: Late Byzantine; circa: First half of 13th century. Materials:...
Tremissis of Justinian I-2.jpg
museum of fine arts boston
Tremissis of Justinian I, Period: Early Byzantine Period, circa: 552–565 A.D. , Minted in: Ravenn...
Psalter and New Testament.png
Psalter and New Testament, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa. 1084 A.D. The museum is open to the p...
Double-Sided Pendant Icon with the Virgin and Christ Pantokrator-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Double-Sided Pendant Icon with the Virgin and Christ Pantokrator, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa...
Showing 1 - 20 of 321 results