Byzantine Treasures

Buckle with Embossed Head in Profile-2.png
Buckle with Embossed Head in Profile, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 400-600. Materials: gold, l...
Terracotta Figure of Winged Nike Flying.jpg
Terracotta Figure of Winged Nike Flying, wings raised, Period: Hellenistic 1stc(late) BC-1stc(ear...
Gold coin, Michael II the Amorian.jpg
Gold coin, Ruler: Michael II the Amorian, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 820-829, Minted in: It...
Fragment of a Large Hanging (1).jpg
The Cleveland Art Museum
Fragment of a Large Hanging, Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 6th century, Made in: Egypt. Materia...
byzantine seal John Tarchaneiotes.jpg
Seal, John Tarchaneiotes, Period: Late Byzantine, 13 th. century. (second half).  St. John the Ba...
Sarcophagus Fragment of  Emperor Constantine the Great (?) .JPG
Sarcophagus Fragment of Emperor Constantine the Great (?) Materials: Porphyry Period: Early Byzan...
The State Hermitage Museum
Hyperpyron, Ruler: Alexius I, Period: Middle Byzantine; circa: Between 1092 and 1118. Material: g...
Solidus of Justinian I-1.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Solidus of Justinian I, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 552–565 A.D. Minted in: Ravenna, Material...
Gold Leaf-Shaped Pendant.jpg
Leaf-shaped pendant in opus interrasile embossed and chased with a foliate design. Period: Early ...
Oliphant; Ivory.jpg
Oliphant; Material: ivory; with two silver bands. Period: Middle Byzantine / 10thC-11thC.  Made i...
Bronze Signet Ring.jpg
Bronze Signet Ring,  Period: Early Byzantine, high circular bezel rudely engraved in intaglio wit...
Processional Cross.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Processional Cross, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1000–1050, Materials: Silver, silver-gilt. O...
Gold Coin, Leo III.jpg
Gold Coin. Ruler: Leo III. Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 717-741. Minted in: Ravenna. Weight: ...
Hanging with Hestia Polyolbus (Giver of Blessings) Hanging  Early Byzantine.png
Hanging with Hestia Polyolbus, Period: Early Byzantine, First half of 6th Century. The museum is ...
Chalice  Early Byzantine.png
Chalice, Period: Early Byzantine,  ca. 527 – 565 A.D. Materials: silver and niello. The mus...
Medallion with Saint Peter from an Icon Frame-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint Peter from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: ca. 1100, Made in...
Double Sided Circular Jewellery Attachment.jpg
Double-sided circular jewellery attachment. Christ Pantokrator is depicted on one side and the Vi...
Fragment with Running Figure.png
Fragment with Running Figure, Materials: tapestry; linen and wool, Period: Early Byzantine circa:...
Bronze Lamp from Luxor.jpg
Lamp, Made in: Luxor, Egypt. Period: Early Byzantine circa: 6th-7th century. Subjects: Cross, bir...
Fragment, Sleeve Ornament of a Tunic (2).jpg
The Cleveland Art Museum
Fragment, Sleeve Ornament of a Tunic, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 5th – 7th century. Ma...
Showing 1 - 20 of 321 results