The Cleveland Art Museum
Earring with Openwork, Period: Middle Byzantine circa: 7th-9th Century. Materials: gold with a ro...
British Museum
Earring; Period: Early Byzantine. circa: 5thC-7thC. Length: 27 millimetres. Materials: gold. Brit...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Pair of Earrings. Materials: Pearls, Sapphires, Gold, Gems and Gold Globules. Period: Early Byzan...
British Museum
Gold Earring; semi-circular; with U-shaped loop to which is attached a similarly shaped thin plat...
The State Hermitage Museum
Fragment of a Necklace Consisting of Eight Coins, Period: Early Byzantine. circa: Between 637 and...
British Museum
Personal gold ornament; Period: Early Byzantine Period; circa: 6thC-7thC. Length: 8 millimetres, ...
Cleveland Museum of Art
Almond-Shaped Pendant, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 400-600. Materials: gold, lapis lazuli, ga...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Hinged Closure with Christ and the Virgin, Period: Middle Byzantine. Date: Second half 10th to ea...
Cleveland Museum of Art
Chain with Pendant Cross, Materials: gold, glass, pearl, garnet, and sapphire. Period: Early Byza...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Pair of Earrings, Materials: Gold, Gems, Pearls and Garnets. Period: Early Byzantine, circa: earl...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
This medallion of Christ is from a group of twelve that once surrounded an icon of the archangel ...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint John the Evangelist from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 110...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Bracelet with Jewelled Clasp, Period: Early Byzantine, Date: -circa-Second half 4th Century (poss...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint John the Baptist from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1100, ...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Fieschi Morgan Staurotheke, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: early 9th century, Made in Const...
British Museum
Reliquary Cross; Materials: Cloisonné Enamel and Gold, Period: Middle Byzantine (10thc.) Made in:...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Octagonal Marriage Ring with Holy Site Scenes, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 7th Century. Mate...
Istanbul Archaeological Museum
Quantity of pearl, tourmaline, glass, coral and bronze beads, once attached no doubt to cloth. Pe...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Reliquary of St. Zacharias, Period: Early Byzantine, 6th Century, Material: Gold and gems. The m...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint Matthew from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: ca. 1100, Made ...