Precious Stones

Earring with Openwork (1).jpg
The Cleveland Art Museum
Earring with Openwork, Period: Middle Byzantine circa: 7th-9th Century. Materials: gold with a ro...
earring byzantine.jpg
Earring; Period: Early Byzantine. circa: 5thC-7thC. Length: 27 millimetres. Materials: gold. Brit...
Pair of Earrings with Pearls, Sapphires, and Gold Globules.png
Pair of Earrings. Materials: Pearls, Sapphires, Gold, Gems and Gold Globules. Period: Early Byzan...
Gold Earring; Middle Byzantine.jpg
Gold Earring; semi-circular; with U-shaped loop to which is attached a similarly shaped thin plat...
Fragment of a Necklace Consisting of Eight Coins.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Fragment of a Necklace Consisting of Eight Coins, Period: Early Byzantine. circa: Between 637 and...
Early Byzantine Ornament, Gold.jpg
Personal gold ornament; Period: Early Byzantine Period; circa: 6thC-7thC. Length: 8 millimetres, ...
Almond-Shaped Pendant.png
Almond-Shaped Pendant, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 400-600. Materials: gold, lapis lazuli, ga...
Hinged Closure with Christ and the Virgin.png
Hinged Closure with Christ and the Virgin, Period: Middle Byzantine. Date: Second half 10th to ea...
Chain with Pendant Cross.png
Chain with Pendant Cross, Materials: gold, glass, pearl, garnet, and sapphire. Period: Early Byza...
Pair of Earrings with Pearls and Garnets.png
Pair of Earrings, Materials: Gold, Gems, Pearls and Garnets. Period: Early Byzantine, circa: earl...
Medallion with Christ from an Icon Frame-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
This medallion of Christ is from a group of twelve that once surrounded an icon of the archangel ...
Medallion with Saint John the Evangelist from an Icon Frame-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint John the Evangelist from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 110...
Bracelet with Jewelled Clasp.png
Bracelet with Jewelled Clasp, Period: Early Byzantine, Date: -circa-Second half 4th Century (poss...
Medallion with Saint John the Baptist from an Icon Frame-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint John the Baptist from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1100, ...
The Fieschi Morgan Staurotheke-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Fieschi Morgan Staurotheke, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: early 9th century, Made in Const...
Reliquary Cross; Cloisonné Enamel and Gold, Middle Byzantine-2.jpg
Reliquary Cross; Materials: Cloisonné Enamel and Gold, Period: Middle Byzantine (10thc.) Made in:...
Octagonal Marriage Ring with Holy Site Scenes (2).png
Octagonal Marriage Ring with Holy Site Scenes, Period: Early Byzantine, circa:  7th Century. Mate...
Pearl, Tourmaline, Glass, Coral and Bronze Beads.JPG
Quantity of pearl, tourmaline, glass, coral and bronze beads, once attached no doubt to cloth. Pe...
Reliquary of St. Zacharias.png
Reliquary of St. Zacharias, Period: Early Byzantine,  6th Century, Material: Gold and gems. The m...
Medallion with Saint Matthew from an Icon Frame-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint Matthew from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: ca. 1100, Made ...
Showing 1 - 20 of 113 results