Staatliche Münzsammlung
1 Residenzstraße
+49 - (0) 89 - 22 72 21+49 - (0) 89 - 22 72 21
Medal of Emperor Constantine The Great, Period: Early Byzantine circa: 4th century, Materials: silver. On view at ” Raum-1 Medaillen”. The Museum is one of the oldest collections of its kind in Europe. Its beginnings date back to the second half of the 16th century.
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Double Costmetic Tube (balsamarium). Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 5th–6th century A.D. Dimensi...
The Cleveland Art Museum
Ornament (Gammadion and Segmentum) from a Tunic, Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 6th century. Mat...
British Museum
Coins; Ruler: Constantine IV; Period: Early Byzantine Period; circa: 654-685; Minted in: Sicily, ...
Fragment with Running Figure, Materials: tapestry; linen and wool, Period: Early Byzantine circa:...
Horse and Lion Hanging, Period: Early Byzantine, 6th century A.D. Materials: wool and linen. The ...
Earring with Emerald and Sapphire, Period: Early Byzantine circa: early 5th century. Size: 6.5 (...
British Museum
Gold coin of Constantine IV; Period: Early Byzantine Period; Date: 654-685; Minted in Rome. Briti...
Griffin’s Head Lamp, Period: Early Byzantine, circa 4th-5th century. Purchased from George ...
The Cleveland Art Museum
Solidus of Maurice Tiberius, 583-602, Material: gold, Diameter: w. 2.2 cm (13/16 in.). The Clevel...
Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: Mid-11th century. Size: 22 x 20 (8.7 x 7.9). Materia...
Quantity of pearl, tourmaline, glass, coral and bronze beads, once attached no doubt to cloth. Pe...
British Museum
Counterpoise weight, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6th c. Material: Bronze. British Museum is c...
British Museum
Bronze Signet Ring, Period: Early Byzantine, high circular bezel rudely engraved in intaglio wit...
Pendant Icon with the Virgin “Dexiokratousa” and Frame with Winged Bull of Saint Luke...
British Museum
Gold Bracelet, Period: Early Byzantine 600 (circa). Found: Syria (?). Width: 69.5 millimetres Hei...
Necklace with Pendant of Aphrodite Anadyomene, Period: Early Byzantine, circa early 7th Century. ...
British Museum
Gold Earring, Period: Early Byzantine. circa: 6thC-7thC. Found/Acquired: Erythraea (Europe,Greec...
Cleveland Art Museum of Art
Enkolpion with the Crucifixion (front) and Saints Theodore and George (back), silver gilt and clo...
British Museum
Earring; Period: Early Byzantine. circa: 5thC-7thC. Length: 27 millimetres. Materials: gold. Brit...
Tremissis of Justinian I, Period: Early Byzantine Period, circa: 552–565 A.D. , Minted in: Ravenn...