Byzantine Treasures

Tremissis of Anastasius -1.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Tremissis of Anastasius I, Gold, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: A.D. 491–518. Mint: Constantinop...
Pectoral with Coins and Pseudo-Medallion-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pectoral with Coins and Pseudo-Medallion, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 539–50, Materials: Gold...
Medallion with the Virgin from an Icon Frame-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with the Virgin from an Icon Frame. Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1100, Made in Cons...
Electrum Coin-1.jpg
Electrum Greek Coin. Period: 6th c. B.C. circa: 521BC-478BC; Minted in: Phocaea (Asia, Modern Tur...
Ring of Leontios-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ring of Leontios, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1000, Materials: Gold, niello, Inscribed: R...
Glass Cameo, Late Byzantine-.jpg
Cameo;  opaque red; Period: Late Byzantine circa: 13 thc. Materials: glass. Made in: Venice. The ...
The State Hermitage Museum
Miliarensis of Basil II and Constantine VIII, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: Between 989 and 10...
Necklace; Glass and Amber Beads.jpg
Necklace; Materials: Glass and Amber Beads, mall bone cross and a blue faience figure of Bes. Per...
Medallion with Saint Paul from an Icon Frame-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medallion with Saint Paul from an Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa:ca. 1100, Made in C...
byzantine seal John Tarchaneiotes.jpg
Seal, John Tarchaneiotes, Period: Late Byzantine, 13 th. century. (second half).  St. John the Ba...
mosaic pavement-2.jpg
Mosaic Pavement; Period: Late Roman; circa: 4th c.; Excavated/Place: Halicarnassus, Modern Turkey...
Pendant Icon.png
Pendant Icon with the Virgin “Dexiokratousa” and Frame with Winged Bull of Saint Luke...
Paten with the Communion of the Apostles  Early Byzantine.png
Paten with the Communion of the Apostles, Period: Early Byzantine (565-578 A.D.) Materials: silve...
Gold Cross.jpg
Cross, with a decorative quatrefoil rosette at the juncture of the arms. Materials: gold. Period:...
St John the Baptist.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Icon, St John the Baptist. Period: Late Byzantine; circa: Early 14th century. Place: Byzantium, A...
ivory panel byzantium.jpg
Ivory Panel, carved with standing figures, Christ with the Virgin Mary and St John, below a pierc...
Earrings with inlaid cross-shaped pendants.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Earrings with Inlaid Cross-Shaped Pendants, Period: Early Byzantine Period, circa: 7th century A....
The State Hermitage Museum
Hyperpyron, Ruler: Alexius I, Period: Middle Byzantine; circa: Between 1092 and 1118. Material: g...
Bronze Lamp from Luxor.jpg
Lamp, Made in: Luxor, Egypt. Period: Early Byzantine circa: 6th-7th century. Subjects: Cross, bir...
Tremissis of Justinian I-2.jpg
museum of fine arts boston
Tremissis of Justinian I, Period: Early Byzantine Period, circa: 552–565 A.D. , Minted in: Ravenn...
Showing 1 - 20 of 321 results