Metropolitan Museum of Art
Signet Ring of John, Imperial Spatharios, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 10th century, Material...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Pendant Cross with Birds and Zoe-Phos, Period: Early Byzantine, circa Late 6th Century. Material...
The J. Paul Getty Museum
The Annunciation, Manuscript. Period: Late Byzantine, circa: 13th century. Dimensions: Leaf: 20.6...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Gold Goblet with Personifications of Cyprus, Rome, Constantinople, and Alexandria, Period: Middle...
British Museum
Counterpoise weight, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6th c. Material: Bronze. British Museum is c...
British Museum
Copper alloy weight, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 4thC-5thC. Quare with convex profile & c...
British Museum
Gold coin. Ruler: Tiberius III, Byzantine Emperor; Period: Middle Byzantine; circa: 705-711; Mint...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Pair of Kolti with Sirens, Period: Middle Byzantine Period, ca. 843-1204 AD. Late 11th-12th Centu...
Cleveland Museum of Art
Chain with Pendant Cross, Materials: gold, glass, pearl, garnet, and sapphire. Period: Early Byza...
British Museum
Earring; Period: Middle Byzantine circa: 10thC-12thC. Materials: gold. British Museum is closed 2...
The Met Fifth Avenue
Buckle with Garnets. Period: Early Byzantine; circa:400–500 A.D. Material: gold. Made in: Constan...
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cross, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 1100, Made in Constantinople, Materials: Cloisonne enamel...
British Museum
Gold Finger Ring; Early Byzantine. Period: 7thC – Early Byzantine. Excavated/Findspot: Smyr...
British Museum
Silver Coin. Period: 4th century B.C. 378BC-372BC (circa). Minted in: Tarsus (Modern Turkey, Medi...
British Museum
Cameo; red glass; quadrangular; Period: 13thC, Late Byzantine. Figure of St John the Baptist in r...
British Museum
Pendant Cross, Period: Early Byzantine (7thc.) Height: 55.8 millimetres Width: 37.2 millimetres D...
British Museum
Terracotta figure of a boy with a cock, Period: Hellenistic, 1th c. BC. (circa) Material: Terraco...
The State Hermitage Museum
Leaf of the Consular Diptych of Areobindus, Period: Early Byzantine, Date: 506, School: Constanti...
British Museum
Gold Earring; Period: Early Byzantine (6thc-7thc), one of a pair crescent-shaped loop. Found: Lam...
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Tapestry panel: Head of a man. Coptic, Egypt. Period: Early Byzantine circa: 4th-5th century A.D....