Byzantine Treasures

icon with St Nicholas.jpg
Small  icon of St Nicholas. Period: Late Byzantine; circa: First half of 13th century. Materials:...
Terracotta Figure of Winged Nike Flying.jpg
Terracotta Figure of Winged Nike Flying, wings raised, Period: Hellenistic 1stc(late) BC-1stc(ear...
Tapestry fragment Egyptian (Coptic).jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Tapestry fragment Egyptian (Coptic), Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 5th-6th century A.D. Materia...
Solidus of Justinian I-1.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Solidus of Justinian I, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 552–565 A.D. Minted in: Ravenna, Material...
datames coin.jpg
Silver coin, Period: 4 th. century B.C. 378BC-372BC (circa), Ruler: Datames, Minted in: Tarsus (M...
Silver Coin, Cilicia.jpg
Museum Description: “Silver coin.(obverse) Head of Athena right, wearing earring and creste...
Silver Coin, Minted in Lycia-1.jpg
Silver Coin, Period: 5th c. 410 B.C. (circa) Minted in Lycia, Anatolia, Turkey. Ruler: Khariga, M...
Calyx (Chalice).png
Cleveland Art Museum of Art
Calyx (Chalice), Period: Middle Byzantine, 900s-1000s. Blood jasper (heliotrope) with gilt-copper...
Theodore Kastamonites, sebastos, Seal.jpg
Seal, Theodore Kastamonites, Sebastos.  The two Saints Theodore standing with their hands upraise...
Pendant Cross.png
Pendant Cross, Material: Gold. Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 500s. The Cleveland Art Museum Hou...
Gold coin, Ruler Tiberius III.jpg
Gold coin, Ruler: Tiberius III, 705-711, Minted in: Ravenna, Weight: 4.238 grammes. British Museu...
Hanging with Hestia Polyolbus (Giver of Blessings) Hanging  Early Byzantine.png
Hanging with Hestia Polyolbus, Period: Early Byzantine, First half of 6th Century. The museum is ...
Enkolpion with Enthroned Virgin, Nativity, Adoration and Baptism.png
Enkolpion with Enthroned Virgin, Nativity, Adoration and Baptism, Period: Early Byzantine, circa:...
Medal of Emperor Constantine The Great.jpeg
Medal of Emperor Constantine The Great, Period: Early Byzantine circa: 4th century, Materials: si...
Large Textile with a Hero Attacking a Lion Early Byzantine.png
Large Textile with a Hero Attacking a Lion, Period: Early Byzantine, 600-900 A.D. The museum is o...
Gold Leaf-Shaped Pendant.jpg
Leaf-shaped pendant in opus interrasile embossed and chased with a foliate design. Period: Early ...
Pearl, Tourmaline, Glass, Coral and Bronze Beads.JPG
Quantity of pearl, tourmaline, glass, coral and bronze beads, once attached no doubt to cloth. Pe...
Earring with Emerald and Sapphire.png
Earring with Emerald and Sapphire,  Period: Early Byzantine circa: early 5th century. Size: 6.5 (...
Solidus of Constantius II (333–361).png
Solidus of Constantius II (333–361). Material: Gold. The museum is open to the public Tuesday thr...
Pair of Tapestry Woven Square Dress Ornaments.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Pair of Tapestry Woven Square Dress Ornaments. Egyptian (Coptic). Period: Early Byzantine, circa:...
Showing 1 - 20 of 321 results