Byzantine Treasures

Mosaic of Venus and Tritons-1.jpg
Mosaic of Venus and Tritons, Period: Late Roman; circa: 4th c.; Materials: stone. Dimensions: Hei...
Terracotta Figure of Winged Nike Flying.jpg
Terracotta Figure of Winged Nike Flying, wings raised, Period: Hellenistic 1stc(late) BC-1stc(ear...
The Antioch Chalice-1.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Antioch Chalice, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 500–550, Made in Antioch or Kaper Koraon, Ma...
Terracotta figure of a boy with a cock.jpg
Terracotta figure of a boy with a cock, Period: Hellenistic, 1th c. BC. (circa) Material: Terraco...
Pair of Earrings with Pearls, Sapphires, and Gold Globules.png
Pair of Earrings. Materials: Pearls, Sapphires, Gold, Gems and Gold Globules. Period: Early Byzan...
Busts of Two Emperors.png
Busts of Two Emperors, Period: Roman, Circa: Late 3rd-early 4th century, Material: Chalcedony on ...
Gold Earring; Square.jpg
Gold Earring; Square; on one face a cheque of triangular groups of pellets, above an animal’...
Christ Pantocrator.jpg
The State Hermitage Museum
Central Part of Triptych: Christ Pantocrator. Period: Late Byzantine; circa: Second half of 13th ...
Page from an Armenian Manuscript of the Romance of Alexander.png
Page from an Armenian Manuscript of the Romance of Alexander. Period: Post-Byzantine,  1525 A.D. ...
Panel; ivory; the Raising of Lazarus.jpg
The Raising of Lazarus, Panel; ivory; Christ with cruciferous nimbus relocate to right with hand ...
datames coin.jpg
Silver coin, Period: 4 th. century B.C. 378BC-372BC (circa), Ruler: Datames, Minted in: Tarsus (M...
Panel with St. Peter or St. Paul -2.jpg
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Panel with St. Peter or St. Paul, Period: Early Byzantine circa: 500s, Made in Byzantine Egypt, M...
Saint Mark-1.JPG
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Saint Mark. Period: Late Byzantine circa: late 13th century. Place: Constantinople (Place created...
Solidus of Constantinus III -1.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Solidus of Constantinus III, Mint: Constantinople, Period: A.D. 641–668, Early Byzantine. Materia...
Pectoral Cross_image.jpg
The Cleveland Art Museum
Pectoral Cross. Period: Middle Byzantine; circa: 900s. Made in: Constantinople. Materials: gold, ...
Gold coin of Leontius II.jpg
Gold coin. Ruler: Leontius II; Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 695-698; Minted in: Rome. British ...
Ivory Panel, The Baptism-1.jpg
Ivory Panel, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 6th c. Made in: Syria. Dimensions: Height: 16.3 cent...
Solidus of Justinian I-1.jpg
Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Solidus of Justinian I, Period: Early Byzantine, circa: 552–565 A.D. Minted in: Ravenna, Material...
Griffin's Head Lamp.png
Griffin’s Head Lamp, Period: Early Byzantine, circa 4th-5th century. Purchased from George ...
Cameo; red glass; quadrangular; Period: 13thC, Late Byzantine. Figure of St John the Baptist in r...
Showing 1 - 20 of 321 results