Dumbarton Oaks Museum
1703 32nd Street Northwest
District of Columbia
Pair of Earrings. Materials: Pearls, Emeralds, Sapphires, Gold and Gems. Period: Early Byzantine, circa: early 5th century. The museum is open to the public Tuesday through Sunday, 11:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m., except for federal holidays.
Pair of Earrings with Pearls, Emeralds, and Sapphires.png
7 years ago
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Dumbarton Oaks Museum 0 km
Seal, Theodore Kastamonites, Sebastos. The two Saints Theodore standing with their hands upraise...
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Seal, John Tarchaneiotes, Period: Late Byzantine, 13 th. century. (second half). St. John the Ba...
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Fragmentary Bracelet with Medallion of Emperor in a Chariot, Period: Early Byzantine, 6th century...
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Bracelet with Panthers, Period: Early Byzantine, Found in Hadra near Alexandria (Egypt). Materia...
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Reliquary of St. Zacharias, Period: Early Byzantine, 6th Century, Material: Gold and gems. The m...
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Icon Frame, Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: Mid-11th century. Size: 22 x 20 (8.7 x 7.9). Materia...
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Busts of Two Emperors, Period: Roman, Circa: Late 3rd-early 4th century, Material: Chalcedony on ...
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Enkolpion with Crucifixion, Busts of the Virgin, St. John and Two Saints. Period: Early Byzantine...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum 0 km
Pair of Earrings. Materials: Pearls, Sapphires, Gold, Gems and Gold Globules. Period: Early Byzan...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum 0 km
Earring with Emerald and Sapphire, Period: Early Byzantine circa: early 5th century. Size: 6.5 (...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum 0 km
Earring, Materials: Ruby, Sapphire, Gold and Gems. Period: Early Byzantine, early 5th century. F...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum 0 km
Earring. Materials: Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Gold and gems. Period: Early Byzantine, circa: early ...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum 0 km
Pair of Earrings, Materials: Gold, Gems, Pearls and Garnets. Period: Early Byzantine, circa: earl...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum 0 km
Necklace. Materials: Pearls, Sapphires, Gold, Gems and Plasma. Period: Early Byzantine, circa: ea...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum 0 km
Pair of Kolti with Sirens, Period: Middle Byzantine Period, ca. 843-1204 AD. Late 11th-12th Centu...
Dumbarton Oaks Museum 0 km
Constantine Xeros, Sebastos. Period: Late Byzantine, 12th.c. second half. Translation: May you, a...