Mosaic Pavement; Halicarnassus

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British Museum
Great Russell Street London England WC1B GB

Mosaic Pavement; Period: Late Roman; circa: 4th c.; Excavated/Place: Halicarnassus, Modern Turkey, Aegean Region, Anatolia. Materials: stone. Dimensions: Height: 1.4 metres Length: 1.67 metres. Museum Description: Part of a panel from a mosaic pavement: Meleager, on horseback, spears a leopard. The panel is inscribed in Greek with the hero’s name. 

British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year. Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).

mosaic pavement.jpg 7 years ago
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Gold coin of Constantine IV.jpg

Gold coin of Constantine IV; Period: Early Byzantine Period; Date: 654-685; Minted in Rome. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year. Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).

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Silver coin of Alexander the Great; Greek; Date: 323BC-280BC; Kingdom of Macedonia, Minted in: Anatolia, Turkey (Uncertain mint, Western Asia Minor) Weight: 4.12 grammes. Die-axis: 12 o’clock. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year. Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).

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Silver Coin of Alexander the Great. Head of young Herakles, right, in lion scalp. (reverse) Zeus seated, left, holding eagle and sceptre. Date: 323BC-280BC (circa). Minted in: Anatolia, Modern Turkey (Uncertain Mint, Western Asia Minor) British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year. Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).

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Harness; Carriage Fitting; Period: Late Roman; 4th. c.; Found: Anatolia, Turkey. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year. Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).

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Gold Coin of Alexander the Great (obverse) Head of young Herakles, right, in lion scalp. Date: 323BC-280BC (circa). (reverse) Zeus seated, left, holding eagle and sceptre. Minted in: Anatolia, Modern Turkey. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year. Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).

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Three Fragments of a Buckle or Brooch, Late Roman.jpg

Three Fragments of a Buckle or Brooch.  Material: Gold. Period: Late Roman. Found/Acquired: Anatolia, Turkey (?) British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year. Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).

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Plate of a buckle or brooch; gold; Period: 4th c., Late Roman/Early Byzantine. 3 hefty studs at the back, as well as tubes for a joint at one side. In the centrea a little nielloed medallion with a hefty pearled border consisting of the bust of a beardless nimbed emperor wearing a chlamys with big fibula. Over and also below are 3 almond-shaped lobes, each center one embossed to simulate a leaf. Found Place: Anatolia, Turkey (?)

British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year. Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).

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Silver Dish; Period: Early Byzantine. 6th.c.(late) on a shallow foot; the centre decorated with Eros astride a ketos (sea monster) which he attacks with a trident. Found/Acquired: Anatolia, Modern Turkey. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year. Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).

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Earring; Period: Middle Byzantine; 11thc.-12thc.  Material: gold. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.

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Gold Earring; semi-circular; with U-shaped loop to which is attached a similarly shaped thin plate of gold. Period: Middle Byzantine; 11thc.-12thc.; Found/Acquired: Syria. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.

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Necklace; Materials: Glass and Amber Beads, mall bone cross and a blue faience figure of Bes. Period: 5thc.-6thc, Early Byzantine. Found: Qaw el-Kebir, Upper Egypt. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.

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Necklace; Cross pendant; Period: Early Byzantine; 5thc.-6thc.; Materials: glass, amber, amethyst and carnelian beads. Found: Qaw el-Kebir, Egypt, Upper Egypt. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.

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Gold Earring; Period: Early Byzantine (6thc-7thc), one of a pair crescent-shaped loop. Found: Lambousa (Cyprus). British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.

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Textile Fragment, Materials: silk and cotton. Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 8thc-9thc. Rectangular panel of woven silk sen onto a larger cotton cloth of irregular, roughly rectangular shape; two hunters on horseback, in a round frame with floral ornament. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.

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Copper Alloy Weight, Period: Early Byzantine, 6thc-7thc, discoidal with double-grooved convex profile; lathe-turned with rims; face engraved with double wreath enclosing cross above denominational mark, both inlaid with silver. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.


Cameo; red glass; quadrangular; Period: 13thC, Late Byzantine. Figure of St John the Baptist in relief with inscription. Made in: Venice. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.

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The Raising of Lazarus, Panel; ivory; Christ with cruciferous nimbus relocate to right with hand raised as well as first finger expanded; various other hand lugs a staff; behind him walks a bearded apostle; prior to him are Mary and also Martha, one standing listening, the various other stooping with hands extended in supplication; behind them to right is an aedicula with cupola, where is the covered body of Lazarus; behind-the-scenes the structures of Bethany.

Period: Middle Byzantine, circa: 900-1100. Materials: ivory

British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.


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Terracotta Figure of Winged Nike Flying, wings raised, Period: Hellenistic 1stc(late) BC-1stc(early) (circa) Acquisition Date: 1893. Her left leg outstretched (perhaps coming down to land), her right hand raised and holding a small wreath, her left hand pulling at the drapery on her left thigh, wearing peplos belted high up under the breasts leaving her left bare, her left leg emerging from the garment at thigh level, wavy centrally parted hair drawn back into. Made in: Myrina, Anatolia (Modern Turkey) British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.

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Bowl; circular medallion with half-figure of a nimbed saint, St Sergios. Period: Early Byzantine; circa: 641-651; Materials: Silver.  Production place: Made in Tarsus, Anatolia (Modern Turkey). Found: Acheripoetos Monastery, Cyprus,Nicosia. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year.

Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).


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Terracotta figure of a boy with a cock, Period: Hellenistic, 1th c. BC. (circa) Material: Terracotta. Boy sprawling back across a low bench with finely modelled legs, leaning to the viewer’s right, both hands holding a big bunch of grapes out of the way of a very large predatory cock approaching from the left. Excavated: Myrina Ancient City, Anatolia. (Modern Turkey, Aliaga, Izmir) Acquisition date: 1891. British Museum is closed 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January, but is open every other day of the year. Fast facts about the British Museum: Founded: 1753, Collection size: 8 million objects, Oldest object in the collection: Stone chopping tool (nearly 2 million years old).

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